
Admission Policy

Admission shall be strictly based on merit. A minimum of 50% Marks (II-nd Division) in Matriculation examination.

Age requirement is 18yrs or less

In case of O level, equivalence at par is required. Candidates having O-Level certificates should provide equivalence certificates and conversion of the grades into marks from inter Board Committee for HSSC levels.

Manual Form Submission

Visit the nearest LGS Group Of Colleges branch and join our free pre-session. Fill the Registration form given with the prospectus and attach the required documents to complete the process.

Required documents:

4x passport-sized photographs
School leaviing certificate
Father’s CNIC
Certificates of Co-Currricular and extra-curricular activities (especially for those applying on sports basis)


Awards Scholarships & Incentives

No admission fee will be charged for LGS students

Incentives for High Achievers

Merit & Need Based Scholarships

Kinship Scholarships


Scholarship for 93% and above.


Scholarship for 90- 92%.


Scholarship for 85-89%.

Admission Form


being the applicant (the “Applicant”) for admission in LGC (the “College”) unconditionally undertake, understand, confirm, agree, covenant and acknowledge as follows:

1. That the information provided in the admission form (the "form") is absolutely true and correct .

2. I will forthwith intimate the College in case of any change in the given address and/or contact number.

3. I am submitting this Application/Form with prior approval/consent of my Father Guardian.

4. I will adhere to the existing and/or future rules and upon me and enforceable against me and will abide by the discipline and/or code of conduct framed by the College from time to time regulation (the "Rules & Regulations) of the College, which shall remain binding.

5. I admit Principal's/College's authority of detaining students either before or at the time of the respective Board Examination upon non fulfillment of either College's or respective Board's requirements and/or upon nonpayment of requisite fees/dues.

6. I will pay all fees, charges and dues whatsoever to College and/or Board within stipulated period, failing which College reserves al rights including withdrawal of my name.

7. I undertake, agree and acknowledge College Principal's authonty including without limitaions withdrawal of my name from the College rolls, if in the opinion of the College and/or Principal, my stay/studies at the College is contrary to the Rules & Regulations disciplina, law and/or my acts defeat the well being of myself and other students.

being Father/Guardian of the Applicant unconditionally acknowledge, affirm, understand and agree to the contents of undertakig mentioned hereinabove as binding and enforceable against me as Father/Guardian of the Applicant.